Man Utd Captain Bruno Fernandes was spotted shopping along with his wife for large brand goods like Red Bull, Coca-Cola, and Andrex

Bruno Fernandes bought Red Bull, Coca-Cola, and Andrex while shopping.

The Manchester United player exited Tesco with a cart, while his wife, Ana Pinho, carried an ironing board and clothes dryer.

Fernandes and Ana Pinho visited their new supermarket.

Bruno Fernandes and his wife shop at Tesco.

Bruno Fernandes requested an ironing board, Red Bull, and Coke.

After shopping in Altrincham, the Portuguese national pushes his basket to his car.

Fernandes fills his car boot after unloading his cart.

The Manchester United star-packed everything into his car.

The Portuguese star purchased an entire bucket of Play-Doh, displaying his passion for shopping.

Fernandes’ trolley also contained a 24-pack of Andrex toilet paper for his daughter, Matilde.