WINGING IT Fans comment that Man Utd star Antony is “finding another job already” as they watch him display latent skills.

ANTONY has been granted permission to showcase his musical talents, with fans speculating that the Manchester United winger could pursue a singing career.Supporters hope Antony is roaring out more celebrations than tunes

Last season, Antony, known for his divisive performances, surprised supporters by appearing in a serious and dedicated manner in a video where he sang alongside a guitarist. The 24-year-old, recognizable with his bleached-blond hair, was seen with his hand over his heart against a backdrop of rolling hills. Notably, he sported a yellow cast on his lower right arm.The warbling wideman tuned up for training

Fans were particularly impressed with Antony’s singing voice. Amid discussions about his future at Old Trafford, one viewer jokingly commented, “Tears, he’s already looking for another job.” Another quipped, “If football doesn’t work out, he’s got a career in singing.”Antony appeared to put his heart and soul into it

On the field, Antony has faced scrutiny for what some perceive as a lack of end product, despite his undeniable skill. Despite being sometimes labeled a one-trick pony, supporters believe he could excel in music as well.

One fan reacted to his musical performance by saying, “What can’t Antony do?” Another viewer suggested that the former Ajax player had picked up a new hobby over the summer.

However, most Manchester United fans emphasized their desire for Antony to consistently trouble opponents next season. Requests such as “Perform well for United” and “Focus on football” were common sentiments. One fan humorously extended the list of talents he’d like to see from Antony: “I want to see him cook. Like cook defenders next season.”